Food Technology
Food Technology vision statement
At Holly House School we strive to develop the skills needed, to enable students in becoming independent adults.
Our vision in Food Technology is to give the students the skills needed to plan, prepare and implement recipes in a safe and hygienic manner.
We want to stimulate their minds, experimenting with different recipes from different cultures and food from around the world.
We give the students the chance to make budget recipes, sweet treats, health options and learning the importance of nutrition in their diet.
Throughout the lessons, students will gain confidence in using equipment in a safe manner, learn to experiment with herbs and spices and how to alter recipes to their own taste.
Expectations are set high within Food Technology, Social skills and team work are essential for the safety of all. Maths and literacy will be incorporated into the lessons through weighing, measuring, timing and written tasks. These are all life skills needed to move forward in all walks of life.
At Holly House School we aim to give all students the potential to become independent individuals with skills and knowledge for life. Through high expectations and aspirations, diverse teaching and support, our teaching will equip pupils with the knowledge they will need. We believe it is important for pupils to learn the basics of cooking and increase their confidence and a sense of independence through the sequence of the curriculum. In theory lessons, pupils will learn about different food types, nutritional values, the importance of a balanced diet, correct portioning, food hygiene and how to remain safe. Teamwork and household routines will be a key part of lessons, supporting pupils in their social development and enabling them to become independent as they move towards adult life.
Holly House Food Technology lessons provide a safe, welcoming, caring and supportive environment where each child is expected to work to a high standard. All Key Stage 2 pupils have a weekly lesson. All pupils in Key Stage 3 are taught weekly for half a term and rotate with Design Technology Lessons to DT for half a term.
Within the lessons pupils are taught:
- How to cook, with reference to safety and hygiene.
- Cook a variety of dishes so that they can feed themselves and others while having a healthy and varied diet.
- Become competent in a range of cooking techniques [for example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in different ways; using awareness of taste, texture and smell; adapting and using their own recipes]
- To understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet
- To understand where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.
- Understand the importance of simple household tasks and how to perform them.
The Food Technology curriculum provides the knowledge and develops the skills for pupils to manage their own (and any future family) lifestyles. Pupils have a feeling of achievement, pride and self-worth in their practical work and abilities which will increasing their confidence and self-esteem. This will help them to take the initiative in being able to plan and organize their work, becoming increasingly independent individuals.
Opportunities linked to careers visits and encounters with employers, within the food industry, may also provide routes into to future education and employment.
Food Technology delivery overview
curriculum overview 2024 25 for the website .pdf
Food Technology progression map
food technology progression map.pdf